Welcome to Gayhurst Community School's website.
Gayhurst is very much a school for its community and of its community. We value great learning, creativity and inclusion in all aspects of our work. We hope this website reflects this and gives you a proper flavour of the achievements and experiences our children enjoy.
In February 2023 Gayhurst was graded Outstanding in all areas by Ofsted (you can find the full report here).
Gayhurst works as part of the LEAP federation of three Hackney primary schools in close partnership with both Kingsmead and Mandeville schools. LEAP stands for Learning, Education and Arts Partnership which represents our aim to work together as a group of schools.
We are very proud of our knowledge and skills based curriculum which we have developed to meet the needs of all our children across the federation and is relevant, knowledge and skills based, exciting and motivating for our children and teachers alike. We are delighted that this effective and successful close partnership has led to all three of the LEAP schools being graded Outstanding by Ofsted
We aim to ensure that every child succeeds to the best of their ability and receives a broad and balanced education which fosters a love of learning for life.
Gayhurst staff are committed to continuous improvement and developing the sense of shared purpose across the whole community. Together we will ensure the future of every child's development in Gayhurst's care and work with parents, staff, governors and other stakeholders to create the perfect environment in which our children will thrive. Our partnership ensures that we share professional expertise, specialist teachers and resources which benefits the communities of all three schools.
We always keep an open door, so come and see us, email us, write to us with any ideas or thoughts you think will help to improve the school still further.
Karen Pedro (Headteacher) & Louise Nichols (Executive Headteacher)
Part 2: Our International Evening had lots of performances and activities! We had henna, face painting, geography games, Bollywood dancing, African drumming and dance and a Cuban band! Thank you to everyone who donated food, it was really appreciated! Special thank you to our brilliant school performers! Ben's choir, Mensah's Ukulele group and 5/6W - we were so proud of you!