Sports Relief 2018

On Friday 23rd March the nation celebrated Sports Relief.... and Gayhurst RAN!
On Friday 23rd March the nation celebrated Sports Relief. Cyclists cycled, walkers walked, swimmers swam and I’m sure plenty of dancers danced. Gayhurst however, RAN! With a break in the seemingly never ending bleak weather, the whole school took the opportunity to do their bit for Sports Relief. Dressed in appropriate sporting attire and harbouring a can-do attitude, every child took part in their Daily Mile. From Reception all the way up to Year 6, 525 children and plenty of our amazing staff descended on London Fields. Everyone completed three laps of the field and more importantly did so with a smile. The older children taking those younger, shorter legged children, under their wings and coaxing them around the course. It really was fantastic to see such an inclusive spirit amongst everyone. The school has also managed to raise a whopping £501.69, which was collected by some of our own sporting superstars; Scarlet and Ruby. So, thank you to everyone for your support and enthusiasm towards all things sporting and long may it continue.
Yours in sport - Adam (PE Lead)