The Big Draw at Gayhurst

We held a Big Draw event at Gayhurst yesterday, with with 580 children working together on the same project across the school – all participating at the same time on sets of ‘consequences’ drawings.....with hilarious results!
Yesterday afternoon we held our Big Draw event at Gayhurst. It was fantastic to see all of the children working together on the same project across the school – with 580 children all participating at the same time on sets of ‘consequences’ drawings. There was a buzz of excitement as children opened their drawings and saw what they had become. Quentin from 1/2L said “we’ve been laughing at our drawings all afternoon, it was so much fun!”
We would like to say a huge thank-you to Joe’s dad, the artist Tom Pearman, who had the idea of the project and got us involved with The Big Draw. We’d also like to thank our two parent photographers who kindly volunteered to photograph our event and took some amazing photographs, Sean Pollock and Christian Buus. There are lots more lovely photos of this fabulous event in the Photo Gallery area in the Our News section of this website.